Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Crazy 8's Tag

So I don't ever do these tag things, but I am sitting at work and thought it may be fun. So Michelle, here it goes!!

8 favorite TV shows (how can i pick only 8?...i know, i am pathetic!)
1. American Idol
2. Survivor
3. Amazing Race
4. Fringe
5. The Office
6. 30 Rock
7. America's Next Top Model (i know i know..i can hear everyone laughing...)
8. How I Met Your Mother

8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Made kids breakfast
2. Laundry
3. Made Bed
4. Took kids to daycare
5. Went to work
6. Dealt with stupid people
7. Came home to sick baby...
8. Slept on couch to listen for poor little Logan.

8 Things I look forward to
1. going to Yellowstone with the family this weekend!
2. Logan feeling better
3. Having every other Friday off
5. Green grass that the kids can play on!
6. Going home and sleeping
7. Not dealing with diapers of any kind ever again!
8. Cleaning my house

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Gun Barrel in Jackson (best buffalo steak EVER!)
2. Buddy's (Pocatello)
3. McDonald's (for their diet coke...yummmmm)
4. PF Changs
5. Merry Piglets (yummy mexican)
6. In N Out (coming to Salt Lake...YIPPY)
7. Cheescake Factory
8. ....not so sure.....

8 Things I wish for
1. A CLEAN HOUSE! (I used to laugh at my mom when that is all she would ask for for mother's day, birthdays or christmas', but now I understand!)
2. My kids to be healthy!!
3. To be debt free..(we're gettin there, slowly but surely!)
4. a big swingset in the backyard for the kids to play with
5. For the neighborhood dogs to be fenced in and quit crapping on my yard!
6. To have time to just sit at the house, and clean, and un clutter closets....
7. Kids to be happy happy happy!
8. ......

I tag
Sonia (now you have been tagged twice!)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Month of Milestones!

So this month, like most, has been way busy, but also full of so many great things! Instead of doing the usual disertation, I have decided to make a list of everything that has happened. Enjoy!

1. McKinlee is using the big girl potty. Yippy!!!
2. Logan turned 1!
3. Logan quit using a bottle and went straight to the sippy cup.
4. Logan is off of formula and onto real cows milk. (so, no more size 4 diapers for McKinlee and no more formula for Logan = an extra $100 a month!)
5. McKinlee will now smile and say 'cheese' for the camera instead of cowering off and crying.
6. Logan gets to sit in a forward facing car seat just like his big sis!
7. Logan got 4 shots, and had an ear infection..not so great news, but news none the less.
8. The Easter Bunny visited our house!
9. I was able to go to DC for was AWESOME!
10. Most of the snow has finally melted off of our yard. (however we are supposed to get another like 3 inches tonight...grrrr)
11. Logan took his first steps! (not so sure if I should be excited about this...)
12. Business has picked up for Jared, finally.
13. The kids were able to spend a whole week with Grandma and Grandpa (for part of it) in Stanley. They had a great time and we are glad they have such great grandparents who want to see them and spend time with them!
14. My work schedule has changed so I will be able to have every other Friday off! Yippy! That means I get a 4 day weekend every other week! Can't complain about that!
15. Logan received his first haircut.

Ok, now what everyone cares about, PICTURES! (most are self explanatory so I am not going to put captions on them)