So Logan is now 4 1/2 months. I took him to his Dr. appt. and he weighs 15 lbs 3 oz and fits exactly into the 50th percentile. Jared is happy to know that his head is only in the 45th no, my child doesn't have a HUGE head! He had his shots and did just great! McKinlee has been doing some pretty silly stuff lately. Some nights she insists on wearing 'mommy jammies' I have to go rummage around until I find a shirt that doesn't drown her completely, and that is what she wears to bed. Now me being the paranoid mom that I am have to go strip her down in the middle of the night because I am just convinced that she is going to get all tangled up in the shirt and suffocate or just being a little crazy! We have also started feeding Logan cereal, and he loves it! McKinlee insists on 'helping' feed. She has her own spoon and everything. Good thing Logan is so easy going, because he deals with the spoon in his eye or jammed in his cheek very well! Mommy Jammies
Feeding Logan
We also took a spontaneous trip to Yellowstone last weekend. We left after Jared's graduation and came home Sunday. My parents were able to come with us and had a great time. Since my mom had to start school again (she is a 6th grade teacher) this week it was her last harrah before she had to get to work. We actually saw a bear! It was awesome! It was eating a buffalo in the river...way cool! McKinlee loved every bit of it, but of course her favorite animals were the chipmunks. A girl after my own heart! Jared was excited to take her to the mud volcano called the Dragon's cave or something like that. It is his favorite thing in the park, and McKinlee didn't disappoint him. She loved it! She is still asking to go see the dragon! Fun, quick trip! Dad and McKinlee in front of the Dragon's Cave
Thursday, August 21, 2008
4 months, silly kids, Yellowstone
Posted by Jared and Heidi Colson at 6:59 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Congratulations Fireman Jared!
Jared has been working for the past 6 months on becoming a fireman, and this last Saturday he finally graduated! We are so proud of him! McKinlee couldn't be more excited to have a dad who is a fireman who can drive a fire truck! This isn't the end of Jared's continual education...he starts the EMT classes in September. Jared isn't doing this for a career change, just for a 'hobby'...quite the time consuming hobby, but it makes him happy. Here are some graduation pics... CONGRATULATIONS, JARED, WE LOVE YOU!
Posted by Jared and Heidi Colson at 3:48 PM 1 comments
Grand Junction
The trip to Grand Junction was fast but fun. It is so nice to see family and in this one weekend we were able to see family from both sides that we aren't able to see too often. Being in Grand Junction during 100+ degree weather made me very grateful for Victor where it has been around 85. We had a blast swimming and hanging out. We were able to take a girl's afternoon and go see Mama Mia (awesome!!!) and go eat. The boys went golfing that morning and then watched the kids for us. Gretchen and Matt taught Jared Settlers of Catan (not sure if that is how you spell it) and he is hooked..yippy!! The drive was very long but were were so glad we went. The kids traveled very well which makes it easy for us to go on even more family trips. Here are a few photos of our fun time in Grand Junction!
Swimming with 'shark whale' McKinlee with Aunt Gretchen
Logan with his tubby belly! Gretchen and Colin sleeping on the couch.
The blessing...
Posted by Jared and Heidi Colson at 3:31 PM 1 comments
Meeting Caleb for the first time!
Sorry that I haven't posted for a while...Life has been hectic!! This post will be all about a little family vacation to Grand Junction for the blessing of my sister's new baby Colin. On our way down we stopped in Salt Lake at Jared's Aunt Carol's house to see our other new nephew Caleb. He is such a sweet happy, fat baby!! He is 3 weeks older than Logan but weighs quite a bit more! Jared's brother Adam and his wife Jenna and baby Caleb live in Houston, so for me and the kids it was the first opportunity to meet Caleb.
This is a picture of McKinlee playing with the snakes at Carol's house. There were about a dozen water snakes in an aquarium and McKinlee and I were loving it!! Grandma Colson (who is deathly afraid of snakes) thought we were crazy and didn't enjoy any of that!
Me holding all three kids..aren't they cute!
Jenna holding sleeping Logan and Carol holding Caleb.
Jared and Caleb "Nana and Papa" with there 3 grandkids...It looks like we pushed it a little too long for the was pretty funny though! Logan just sat there while the other two yelled and squirmed!
Two buddies! We can't wait till Adam, Jenna, and Caleb move back home!!!
Posted by Jared and Heidi Colson at 3:09 PM 1 comments