Ok, so lately I have totally sucked at updating the blog. I finally feel like I have a minute, so here are the latest going ons in the Colson household. It seems like we have been super busy! I have started selling Scentsy and with that comes numerous trips to Pocatello. Thank you to all who have supported me! It has been something fun to do. The kids and I have been lucky to visit lots of people, but we have been sad to leave dad at home. He has been busy finishing up his Fireman 2 class and tests and starting EMT. He passed Fireman 2, WAHOO! We will see how his EMT classes go. He really isn't into the blood and guts type of stuff, so it isn't quite as fun as the Fireman classes were. We made a trip to Twin Falls to visit my brother Russ and his family, as well as seeing my brother Bill and his family. It is good to see everyone, and even better to let McKinlee play with the "boys". She loves hanging out with them. She actually even let my brother Bill be around her...totally not typical. She usually freaks out and yells when he comes near her....(hopefully it is just her being 2 and she will grow out of it..) On one of our other trips to Pocatello we saw my sister Gretchen and her husband and baby. It was fun to see them and we are excited to have them eventually move closer! Colin makes Logan look like a brute! It is amazing what 2 months will do when they are babies. That same weekend we went to an ISU game. McKinlee was finally able to wear the ISU cheerleading outfit that Adam and Jenna gave her many years ago. She looked adorable and had so much fun at the game! She actually watched the game. She is the only 2 year old little girl I know that asks to watch football with daddy. So cute.! Logan was also a great trooper and was just enjoying watching people.
Logan turned 6 months...WOW! He weighed 17 lbs 13 oz..60th percentile, his length was 27.75 inches...90th percentile, and his head was 19 inches..40th percentile. Good average baby. He is continuing to eat like a bottomless pit, but is super super happy! It is nice because he and McKinlee are on about the same schedule, so we have both kids in bed and asleep by 8:00 each night, and as much as I adore my kids, the quiet is great! They are sleeping until about 7:30 in the morning and we are not complaining at all! My mom keeps letting me know how lucky we are but I inform her it is just my great parenting (hahaha..totally just kidding!)
The snow started this weekend...it has been butt cold for most of the week and I guess I just need to get used to it! It sucks, though, because we had our good friends Aaron and Noelle come up this weekend to take family pictures and the weather was horrible! Hopefully we got a few good ones.
Well, that should catch everyone up on the past month! Here are a couple fun pictures. Logan and Colin just playing at Grandma's house
Go Bengals! (even though they really suck this year and lost....)
Sleepy towards the end of the game.
Cheese!!! We were just playing with the camera tonight and caught some cute pictures of the kids.
Mom and McKinlee
McKinlee and daddy watching football
Mom and sweet baby Logan
Dad and his buddy.
So a little explanation...Logan was sitting playing on the floor and one of McKinlee's cupcakes from her little kitchen was right by him. I saw that his forehead would be a good place to put the cupcake not thinking it would stay there very long, well I was wrong. He played and played and the cupcake just sat there. He didn't even try to take it off!
Another picture that needs explanation (first of all, ignore the mess, this was a few weeks ago and the house was a disaster!). I was leaning over Logan making him laugh and McKinlee, who yes, is not wearing any pants, crawls up on my back and leans over to see Logan. Jared grabbed the camera and took a lovely shot of me and my kids..(typical pantless day at the Colson home...)
Ministering Weekend 2025
2 days ago
I sure have missed your updates. It is always so fun to watch how everyone is changing. Looks like you have been busy, and having such a great time!
Looks like you've been having tons of fun staying busy. I love seeing new pictures. I can't believe how much your little guys grown. Wow!
I LOVE your kids' eyes. They are both gorgeous kids! And love the picture of you on the floor playing with them. Such a fun mom-moment!
What a bunch of cuties, including you, Heidi! You and Jared are great parents.
Sounds like you've been having a lot of fun. Cute pics of your cute kids!
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