Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bye bye hair!

So I took McKinlee in this morning for a haircut and I ended up having it cut off! It turned out so cute!! No more pony tails but I can still pull up the sides. She was super good and just sat there reading some books. I really couldn't believe how good she was. Unlike her other haircuts that took about 5 minutes, this one took a half hour and she just sat there the whole time! I am so proud of her. So here are a couple pictures...one of the back and one of the front. (Ignore the snotty nose..we are battling allergies!)


Kathryn and Johnny said...

Sooooooo cute!! It makes me want to cut Mary's now. Hope you have fun in Salt Lake.

The Colson's said...

Hey...is this the new Dora the Explorer haircut?? She looks just like her!!!!! What a Cutie!!!!!

Alison said...

She is a doll! I love her haircut!

Christine Williams said...

Oh my heck - she has the most amazing eyes and eyelashes. The cut is super cute, too. Tell Gretchen congratulations for me! He's so cute!